I’ve always been a proponent of doing hard things – of taking on the uncomfortable, the challenging, and pushing yourself to grow and be a better human.

To put it bluntly, leading an organization founded by David Colligan is certainly a challenge. As I step into his shoes as managing partner, I can’t help but reflect that there are few in Western New York who have contributed so much in so many ways. Not many had the insight to believe in a Better Buffalo – long before it was common. Or to build a law practice around this new Buffalo. Since day one, this firm has stood by its mantra of being advocates for business and community.

Colligan Law is entering its tenth year – a proper inflection point and opportunity for retrospective.

We have accomplished so much these past nine years: the firm has regularly been on Business First’s Fast Track list (of fastest-growing WNY businesses). We’ve been named a best place to work. Each year new attorneys are named to Super Lawyers, Rising Stars, and countless other accolades. We’ve helped clients achieve incredible things and grown our team, all while making sure to emphasize the humanity of practicing law.

What we have accomplished should be celebrated. We should recognize all that has been attained – even through extraordinary challenges.

Through it all, we’ve continuously punched above our weight class while staying true to our values: family first, teamwork, fairness, entrepreneurship, and honesty. We’ve been early adopters to technology and change. We have encountered challenges head-on. We believe in pushing the practice of law to be a better profession for us all. It’s that entrepreneurial spirit that we see in so many of our clients that is in our very own DNA. It’s why we choose to work with each other, and why we have pride in our work.

It is who we are.