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FBI Arrests Man Soliciting Investments in "Coronavirus Cure"

Well that didn't take long. On Wednesday night, the FBI made its first coronavirus-related criminal arrest - Keith Lawrence Middlebrook, who was soliciting investments in a fake company, Quantum Prevention CV. Mr. Middlebrook claimed that he personally developed pills that would prevent coronavirus infections and an injectable cure for those already diagnosed with the virus. While Mr. Middlebrook was caught relatively quickly - he tried to deliver his pills to an undercover agent posing as an investor - hundreds of thousands of people had already seen his solicitations on his verified Instagram account. While we all wish it was true, be very cautious of anyone claiming to have found a cure or treatment for the virus, especially if they are making their claims on social media and soliciting investments. 

It alleged that Middlebrook claimed to have personally created a patent-pending cure and "fraudulently solicited funds" from investors with promises of "massive profits," prosecutors alleged. The suspect was detained after delivering the "cure" pills to an undercover agent posing as an investor.

